Online Dietitians and Gut-Directed Therapists For Digestive Disorders

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Most of us feel overwhelmed when it comes to healthy eating, especially if we have a persistent digestive disorder.

At Diet vs. Disease we provide research-backed guides and video lessons so that you can enjoy food without the stress, and live your healthiest, happiest life.

Please enter your best email address and I'll deliver 2-3 emails per week that will transform your approach to digestive health and help you to eat with freedom once more.

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Hello, I'm Joe Leech, Dietitian (MSc Nutrition & Dietetics)
(At least those comfortable to talk about gut symptoms publicly!)

SUSAN, USA, Verified Client

"I am a completely different person and I no longer have the issue! I can go out to eat with my friends, with my husband - I just lead a normal life now"

"I’ve been to numerous doctors, I’ve been on medication, I was at my wits end, I thought I was going to have to live the rest of my life like I was… and then this program!"


BRENDA, USA, Verified Client

"I don’t have to worry about being by a bathroom every day all the time so my health has improved immensely!"

"With the dietitian and the therapist to help me, I had support that I didn’t have before, I would recommend this to anybody"


BRENT USA, Verified Client

"I accepted 'nervous gut' as my reality where I was rushing to the restroom several times per day."

"Now I don't recognize my body in a wonderful positive way! This process has changed my life, I can eat food confidently, go for long walks and hikes, I have no symptoms now."


JACKLYN, USA, Verified Client

"Within the first 5 days, my diarrhea had subsided which is a huge thing!"

"I didn’t know what to expect day to day and with that came a lot of anxieties and a tendency to not do some group activities or think I couldn’t do something."


JACQUELINE, USA, Verified Client

"I just couldn't live with my symptoms, now I finally know what to eat to keep my symptoms away!"

"I was completely overwhelmed when my doctor gave me a generic handout on the low FODMAP diet. I wouldn't have got any answers or clarity without this program."


EILEEN, UK, Verified Client

"I would have accidents when I went out without any warning and other times I was in a lot of pain."

"I’ve just been away for 3 days and I’ve coped, it’s unbelievable really- I was always worried about going away and this time... I’ve gone away!"


—LIZ, Australia, Verified Client

"The support you get is immeasurable and the difference that it can make is immeasurable."

"I know what foods to avoid and I’ve really been able to relax much more around socialising and not having to plan, even when I go for a walk around the block, where my nearest loo is!"


CARISSA,  Verified Client

"I just feel in control and just so much smarter about my own body."

"So now there's no question in my mind of what foods irritate me and what foods don't. I know what I can eat, I know what bothers me and it's just such freedom. I own my life, I don't feel sick and nauseous all the time."


PAM, Missouri, Verified Client

"Yes my digestive system is much better now. Movement is much better now." 

"I don't have the same bloating, gassiness, or digestive rumbling around all the time in my stomach, and I just feel a lot better, I feel lighter. I did lose weight on the program too, I lost 18 lbs."


JEAN, USA, Verified Client

"I'm happy to say that my elimination is very regular now. Now my food anxiety is less and I know what to eat to not get constipated."

"I had tried a lot of things before but nothing made me feel better. The coaching in this program is key and you guys are so knowledgeable. It was nice to always have a dietitian answering my questions."


KATHY, USA, Verified Client

"I don't have excess gas, I don't have bloating and I feel comfortable in my body. I realised this is how normal people feel, not having to worry about where the bathroom is all the time!"

"I completely have control of my digestion now. Now I feel like I can eat anything and I'm not lactose intolerant anymore!"


LISA, USA, Verified Client

"This program has really changed my life. I no longer have extreme pain when going to the restroom, no more throwing up and no more bloating."

"My gut health is much better, if I would get a symptom now, I would know why and what to do about it!"


MARY ELLEN, USA, Verified Client

"I know what to eat to keep my body healthy. I'm doing great! I'm sleeping again, I'm out doing stuff again and not suffering from pain daily."

"I've been ill for years and lost a lot of weight unintentionally. I've tried so many things. The mindset coaching I got in this program really made a difference."


—LAURYN, USA, Verified Client

”It’s just wild actually having a normal functioning body for once” 

"IBS and SIBO affected my ability to spend time with my kids and my family. I was crying almost every day. Now I feel like a different person, my bowel habits are normal, even my skin is amazing!" 

Chronic Fatigue and Low Mood

JAIME, New Jersey, Verified Client

"So I did lose 25 pounds and I really did work out a whole lot while I was doing it, but it really proved to me that your diet is such a staple in your life."

"I feel like I'm more than surviving life right now. I'm really enjoying my life. I'm not bloated and puffy my guts don't hurt all the time. I know what things to avoid, so I'm not sick the next day. I can drink a little more alcohol without totally being destroyed the next day."


KATRINA, USA, Verified Client

"I have finally found some balance in my life that I was lacking before. I have lost weight and my energy, bloating and pain is now so much better!"

"I can't emphasise enough how great this program has been for me, I feel empowered going forward. Because I'm a nurse I appreciated that this program was backed up with science."


AMBER, UK,  Verified Client

”It feels like a huge weight lifted off my shoulders, knowing what I can and can’t eat.”

"I don't have to live with the pain anymore. I have more energy to work, study and I'm finally back at the gym. This program gave me so much more than just a list of foods like my doctor gave me."


KRISTAL, USA, Verified Client

"I woke up one morning and I was like I have energy, I want to get out of bed! And I had energy after work!"

"People have asked me 'what diet are you on?' And I've said 'I'm not on a diet, I'm regaining control of my life and my health'."

Weight Loss Goal

— KATRINA, USA Verified Client

"I have finally found some balance in my life that I was lacking before. I have lost weight and my energy, bloating and pain is now so much better!"

"I can't emphasise enough how great this program has been for me, I feel empowered going forward. Because I'm a nurse I appreciated that this program was backed up with science."


PAM, Missouri, Verified Client

" Yes my digestive system is much better now. Movement is much better now!" 

"I don't have the same bloating, gassiness, or digestive rumbling around all the time in my stomach, and I just feel a lot better, I feel lighter. I did lose weight on the program too, I lost 18 lbs."


JAIME, New Jersey, Verified Client

"So I did lose 25 pounds and I really did work out a whole lot while I was doing it, but it really proved to me that your diet is such a staple in your life."

"I feel like I'm more than surviving life right now. I'm really enjoying my life. I'm not bloated and puffy my guts don't hurt all the time. I know what things to avoid, so I'm not sick the next day. I can drink a little more alcohol without totally being destroyed the next day."


— KATE, Australia, Verified Client

"I feel a lot better in my own skin now and have more energy. I've lost a significant amount of weight and along the way we realised that I have a histamine intolerance."

"This program is so perfectly tailored for my uniqe lifestyle. I was given all the tools that I needed that I could always access at a time that suited me, which was fantastic."


— CATHY, Australia, Verified Client

"I'm really happy with my eating pattern now, I don't feel like I miss out on anything. I've lost 10 kg (22lbs) as well which I did not think was possible."

"I’ve been able to eat things that I haven’t been able to eat in the past without having any symptoms, which is amazing!"

Microscopic colitis, Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's

SARAH, USA, Verified Client

"Now I feel like I can pretty much eat anything as long as I’m mindful and moderate about it!"

"They found that I had IBD so they sent me home with some Prednisone and told me I’d start feeling better and to follow a low-fibre diet. So I go home and follow the instructions and after about 3 days, I just felt worse."


ARLENE, USA, Verified Client

"Now I'm going to the bathroom only once per day instead of 6."

"My Crohn's was treated with Entyvio but I still had severe symptoms. I felt like the doctors couldn't help me with this so I'm very happy I found this program."


KAREN, USA,  Verified Client

"I tried to incorporate the low FODMAP diet on my own after an episode of microscopic colitis, but not until I found Diet vs Disease did I have progress!"

"Now I feel like I can venture out, eat at restaurants and go out with friends."


SUE, Australia, Verified Client

"I was having great problems controlling collagenous colitis, even with medication."

"I'm now eating a huge variety of fruit and vegetables. I love that the dietitian is basically on call in this program, I don't have to wait weeks or months to get support."

Chris and Lauren

CHRIS, USA, Verified Client

"Chris can now go to work and be in meetings without fear of having to take a break and go for his daily long bike rides."

"We're both extremely happy with where our lives are at and how Chris is doing" - Lauren (Chris' wife)


KRISTAL, USA, Verified Client

"I woke up one morning and I was like I have energy, I want to get out of bed! And I had energy after work!"

"People have asked me 'what diet are you on?' And I've said 'I'm not on a diet, I'm regaining control of my life and my health'."


TARA, USA, Verified Client

"It's made me more comfortable now with my J-pouch."

"I don't have to think about trying to take Imodium or making sure I have it with me before I go out. Take that leap of faith and do it; I'm so glad I did."

Histamine Intolerance

KATE, Australia, Verified Client

"I feel a lot better in my own skin now and have more energy. I've lost a significant amount of weight and along the way we realised that I have a histamine intolerance."

"This program is so perfectly tailored for my uniqe lifestyle. I was given all the tools that I needed that I could always access at a time that suited me, which was fantastic."


LOIS, Canada, Verified Client

"I can do what I want now without worrying about being close to a bathroom!"

"Now I have absolutely no problems with diarrhea, my bowel movements are normal… and the critical thing is that I got to the root of my problem, YOU got me to the root of my problem."


— LIZ, Australia, Verified Client

"The support you get is immeasurable and the difference that it can make is immeasurable."

"I know what foods to avoid and I’ve really been able to relax much more around socialising and not having to plan, even when I go for a walk around the block, where my nearest loo is!"

Diverticulitis (diverticular disease)

— JANICE, USA, Verified Client

"I feel empowered to a great degree- you guys are really smart and passionate about what you do and I totally trust that the information I'm getting is evidence-based and works."

"My GI doctor suggested I add more fibre to my diet but had no real direction for me other than go to the store and look for a cereal that has 10 grams of fibre and take Citrucel every day!"


NANCY, USA, Verified Client

"I now know how to eat out safely with my friends and family and it’s huge to be able to participate in those social events again!"

"Other things I had tried might make me feel better for a few days or maybe even a week or two and then I would relapse because I didn’t understand what I was doing right or wrong."


BETH, USA,  Verified Client

"Family and friends have told me that I’m just better, I look better and I know I feel better so control and having my life back, is a good thing!"

"I had been through many hospitalisations for diverticulitis, I had kidney stones and I was a celiac patient for 9 years."


— CHRISTINA, USA, Verified Client

"My life is 100% better and in November I am able to travel! Before we only travelled in my RV because I wanted my own bed, my own couch my own bathroom and my own food!"

"There was still that big piece of why am I still so bloated and uncomfortable? And with just one little tweak, it all went away. So it’s just a complete "180" light bulb moment - I really just can’t say enough good things!"


YVONNE, USA, Verified Client

"I got rid of my big gut and bloat and my bowel movements are regular now!"

"I’m so glad I did this, feeling better, guts better, I avoided "the knife" which was my goal and you taught me things that I can do on my own. I would do this program again if I needed to."


CATHY, Australia, Verified Client

"I'm really happy with my eating pattern now, I don't feel like I miss out on anything. I've lost 10 kg (22lbs) as well which I did not think was possible."

"I’ve been able to eat things that I haven’t been able to eat in the past without having any symptoms, which is amazing!"


LAURYN, USA,  Verified Client

”It’s just wild actually having a normal functioning body for once” 

"SIBO and IBS affected my ability to spend time with my kids and my family. I was crying almost every day. Now I feel like a different person, my bowel habits are normal, even my skin is amazing!" 


KIRSTEN, USA, Verified Client

"My discomfort is greatly reduced and I'm now sleeping at night."

"I was treated for SIBO but still had a lot of symptoms and IBS. By reducing my anxiety and stress, my bloating and discomfort has also been reduced."


HEATHER, USA, Verified Client

"I wouldn't even class myself as an IBS sufferer any longer after doing this program."

“This gave me the tools that I needed and the education to know what I could eat."

Anxiety and Gut-Directed Therapy

SUE, Australia, Verified Client

"I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy and they just tell you well it’s clear, come back in 2 years... but the symptoms were all still there!"

"I was able to lose some more weight which was good, I eat differently now and feeling a lot better and back to having a more normal perspective on life."


HEATHER, USA, Verified Client

"I discovered that I’m very anxious and a lot of my problems came from feeling anxious!"

"This programme helped me to live, feel healthier- I started my avoiding the low FODMAPS and I felt much better."


BRENT, USA, Verified Client

"I accepted 'nervous gut' as my reality where I was rushing to the restroom several times per day."

"Now I don't recognize my body in a wonderful positive way! This process has changed my life, I can eat food confidently, go for long walks and hikes, I have no symptoms now."


TERRY, USA, Verified Client

"I was a four year out cancer survivor, anal cancer, they had to do major chemotherapy of all my stomach parts."

"I realize that my vagus nerve was just sending signals that made everything much worse. Like I had the problems from radiation and chemo going on, and I would have the personal stuff that would hit me too."


JIM, USA, Verified Client

"I was at the point where I had heartburn 24/7. I was at the point where I couldn't eat much and I was down to 120 lbs."

"Hypnotherapy part was the best part of the program for me, it's out of this world. It is life-changing. I got my money back double. "

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